Arting/Say it with your art
The practice of “Arting” evolves from many years of live creative events at Exittheapple Artspace in Baltimore, which then evolved into virtual creative workshops and classes during the pandemic shutdowns of 2020-2021. It was clear the practice resonated with many and helped foster a community of creativity and self-care.
“I used to love painting, but don’t have time anymore.”
Our creativity is a powerful tool for learning and self care. So many of us have lost touch with our creative selves in our journeys through adulthood. This practice is to help you gain/retain access to this tool.
Creativity is your birthright There are people who make creativity their profession, and many of us leave creative responsibility up to them - we listen to music, we watch movies, we go to museums or the theater. The brilliance of professional artists is necessary and wonderful. But please don’t deny yourself access to your own creativity just because you don’t identify as an ‘artist.’ You don’t have to be a 5 star chef, for example, to make yourself breakfast in the morning. No matter what you do for a living, Arting is for you.
Currently, by community request, i’m working to distill this experience into a workbook or guided journal to make the practice portable.
Arting is release. Arting is a sacred space. Arting is an exercise.
Think of this book/class as a yoga mat: a comfortable, supportive place for you to stretch, grow stronger, and get centered.
*the book will be out later this year available exclusively at & select stores